Friday, 4 July 2008

A HDR for comparison

I also made HDRs, and so I am also showing that, for comparison. First non-HDR, made from the middle exposition. Second HDR, + and - 1 shutter brackets.

Look at how the sky is pixelated in the HDR.

Pala Favera has no . Normally, this would be the situation when one would want a HDR: early morning, sun is coming up, part of the landscape is lit, but otherwise it is in shadow. But this pic is not so good - although it can give back the feeling of the shadow over the road.

Toying with LDR and HDR

I have been toying with the LDR technique, and I have got some nice results.
LDR (low dynamic range imaging) is like HDR (high dynamic range imaging), but here one RAW pictures is used instead of more expositions (usually three in HDR). The application (I was using Photomatix 3) offers the option to automatically create an LDR image directly from a raw original, profiting of the wider range of information available in the raw.
Later, I was trying to toy with saturation in the same photos to make the most out of them. It is not that I am extremely fond of saturated colors, but here I needed to put some colours in the pics because otherwise they were flat. And also, this will allow a comparison: what you can have with LDR and with a simple Lightroom edit.

Here are some paired photos for comparison - first is regular, second LDR.

When the sun was not yet shining:


Some sun coming out - I think these are very successful LDRs:


Here I prefer the normal version - there is a lot of sun on the green grass:

Friday, 4 April 2008

perfecyello.xxl meets PENTAX smc DA 16-45mm f/4 ED AL

I have uploaded two F-stop series of the original jpg's made with the 16mm wide angle of the PENTAX smc DA 16-45mm f/4 ED AL lens. These jpg's are AS IS, as they came out of the camera. All stops are covered, going from the lowest (F 4.0) to the highest (F 22)

Here is the album at Picasa:

A series made at the Gresham Palace (Grasham palota), right in front of the Chain Bridge, Lánchíd (now a prestigious Four Seasons hotel).
Származási hely: Pentax smc DA...

2. The other is the Puskás Ferenc Stadion:
Származási hely: Pentax smc DA...

I took these pictures at the beginning of February, on two unusually sunny days, when there was also huge wind, which gradually covered the lens with dust particles at Puskás Stadion.